News from the Blues: Small Group Product Training

BCBS Product Training for Small Group

Open Enrollment: Tools for Success: Here are some essential tools for marketing and selling our 2020 qualified health plans in the individual market to existing members and new prospects.

Plan Information:

Get links to 2020 Plan Comparison Charts, Summaries of Benefits and Coverage and Benefit Highlights in this new flier PDF.

Renewal Packets:

Active members of retail plans should be receiving their renewal packets for 2020. Here are the details PDF, including links to sample packets.

Retention Call Center:

Your clients can access a special retention call center for producer sold business PDF to help renewing members through open enrollment. When your clients use the call center, you remain the producer of record.

Retail Producer Portal:

The portal allows you to complete and submit enrollment applications for your clients. Control the entire sales cycle from quote to effectuation. For details, see our guide PDF.

Agency Alert Re: Marketplace Registration:

Writing producers must be registered with the Marketplace before helping clients enroll in Marketplace policies. See our Agency Alert for details PDF.


2020 No Contribution/No Participation Option Period Starts Nov. 1

If your new ACA/small group (1-50 employees) wants to elect the No Contribution/No Participation Option,

follow these directions and deadlines.


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