Humana: New to Digital Marketing and Virtual Sales? Start Here.

Now that you’re contracted with Humana… What’s next? 

Chances are, you’re doing more online than you have before whether
it’s grocery shopping, visiting the doctor, or meeting with clients. In
fact, transitioning to virtual client interactions is imperative to help
them stay safe and healthy in light of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

know that changing how you work overnight may sound overwhelming at first, but chances are, you’ve made big, perhaps even scarier or
uncomfortable changes before, which means you’re adaptable.
Transitioning to virtual sales this AEP is a must for your Book of
Business and for the well-being of your clients. You’re not alone in
this transition.

Humana can help you transition your workflow from
in-person to remote. What you do stays the same even if how you do it
changes. You don’t have to lose your personal touch just because you’ve
moved client interactions online. In fact, maintaining that humanity
will only help you in the digital realm. Let’s dive in.

Sales-cycle basics

First, we want to properly set the stage, so you understand the
terminology we’ll be using, and how the various parts of the sales cycle
work together. It’s important to note that the same sales cycle stages
apply whether you’re online or offline. What changes is the ways you work in each
stage from in-person to digital. The typical Agent sales
cycle includes these four stages:

  1. Lead generation: finding prospects through marketing, referrals and events.
  2. Sales: understanding the prospect’s or client’s needs and finding and then presenting the right plan for them.
  3. Enrollment: using Humana’s online tools to enroll prospects or clients in their chosen plan.
  4. Post-enrollment: regular client follow-up, retention tactics to
    nurture clients and asking clients to tell friends and family about you.

Older adults continue to adopt technology

Forget the clichés you’ve heard about older adults and technology. The fact is, older adults are online:

If you’re not online, you could be missing out on a large portion of the Medicare-eligible population.

Lead generation

Generating leads is key to building your sales pipeline. Here are three ways you can generate leads:

1. Marketing

Marketing builds awareness and engagement for you and your services.
It’s what you say about yourself and the images you share. Marketing
includes, but is not limited to, the types of online and offline
communication channels below. As more and more people move online out of
both necessity and convenience, you should focus your marketing on
digital channels; however, traditional marketing remains important and
should still be a part of your marketing strategy.

  • Online marketing channels:
    • Website (External Partner Agents only)
    • Social media*
    • Email
  • Offline marketing channels:
    • Direct mail
    • Advertising (online or offline)
    • Posters and flyers in the community

If you’re new to digital marketing, choose one or two channels to
start with. Once you get the hang of those channels, you can add others. If
you’re looking for tips on creating a website or developing a social
media* presence, read this. If you’re looking for ways to maximize your social media* efforts, read this. The resources below can help you get started and maximize your efforts.

Marketing Resource Center
(MRC) is your one-stop shop for pre-approved, fully customizable and
ready-to-use digital and traditional marketing materials for:

  • Digital marketing:
    • Social media posts*
    • Email templates
  • Traditional marketing:
    • Direct mail: postcards, letters and more
    • Print advertisements: posters, flyers and ads
    • Sales support: conversation guides

Email and/or mail materials directly to your Book of Business from
the MRC. You can also download materials. External Partner Agents can
earn 10 Reach Rewards** points for every MRC material download or 30 points for every MRC order placement (Reach Rewards limits per month apply). Learn more about which sales and engagement activities earn Reach Rewards points here.

The MRC features both carrier-agnostic and Humana-branded materials
as well as audience-specific pieces for dual-eligible, Veteran and
Spanish-speaking prospects and clients with local-market features. Our
MRC article gives you a brief download on everything that’s new with the
MRC this AEP.

MRC Social Media Tool* helps to take the guesswork
out of social media* marketing with ready-to-post content you can
customize with your contact information. Since 2012, Facebook* use among seniors has grown exponentially, so it provides an opportunity to converse and connect with your existing Book of Business while generating new leads.[4] Plus, our educational resources will help you make the most of this channel*:

2. Events

Events, whether in-person or online, can help you reach new audiences
and collaborate with local organizations and businesses. Events include
educational presentations about health and wellness tips to Medicare
101 talks, as well as grassroots activities such as a table or a booth at
a local business, fair or market. Virtual events, just like in-person
events, help you connect with prospects and clients in an authentic and
engaging way. While you lose that face-to-face interaction, you might be
able to increase attendance through virtual events as those who
otherwise couldn’t come due to having transportation or mobility issues
can now participate. Virtual events still let you showcase your
personality and services to build your brand. Virtual events typically
occur through a video-conference platform like WebEx. Just because the
place you’re giving the presentation from is different doesn’t mean the
way you give that presentation or how you interact with attendees has to
change. It’s the same event as before, it’s just online.

3. Referrals

Referrals or word-of-mouth recommendations from your existing Book of Business can play an integral part in generating leads. Of
all Americans, 83 percent say that a word-of-mouth recommendation from a
friend or family member makes them more likely to purchase that product
or service


Selling is problem-solving. It’s discovering what challenges your
prospects and clients face and finding the right solutions to meet their
unique needs. Whether you do the discovery and solutions presentation
over the phone, on a video conference, or in person, the end goal is the
same: finding a solution that helps your prospect or client select the best
plan for their needs. How you do that might differ slightly between the
phone, a video conference, or in person. We’ve developed these resources
to help you in various remote or virtual sales situations:


Going paperless with enrollment could be good for you and your
clients. Online enrollment tools can help make the enrollment process
faster. With Humana’s online enrollment tools, you can use them on any
device or operating system and even print applications for hard-copy
records. Humana’s suite of online enrollment tools helps you before,
during and after enrollment.

Before enrollment

Mobile-friendly Digital Marketing Materials
let you email required sales materials to prospects and clients before a
sales appointment with the new pre-appointment email. Now with
end-to-end Spanish experience and Veterans and dual-eligible-focused
content, you can better communicate with specific audiences.

During enrollment

Enrollment Hub makes online enrollment easier and faster with prefilled CMS data and an end-to-end workflow from Scope of Appointment, Rx Calculator and Digital Marketing Materials integration as well as telephonic and electronic signature options. You can also use FastApp accessible via Vantage to complete online enrollment with telephonic and electronic signature capabilities.

After a fully compliant sales presentation, encourage clients to enroll themselves with Digital Marketing Materials. Send up three plans to let clients compare them side by side.

Earn an additional 30 Reach Rewards** points on top of the enrollment points when you or your client complete an enrollment using one of Humana’s online tools.

After enrollment

After completing the enrollment, perform a Member Care Assessment to
help Humana understand members’ health needs in a six- to eight-minute
survey. Agents can earn a $50 bonus for every survey completed within
two days of enrollment.

Use the My Humana Business Center
to stay updated on a member’s enrollment status, submit service
inquiries for customer service needs and confirm birthdays so you can
send handwritten birthday cards to your Book of Business.

Use these resources to cultivate and retain your Book of Business all year long:

Keeping digital interactions human

You can still leverage your interpersonal skills whether or not
you’re face-to-face with prospects or clients. Harness your same
listening and empathy skills whether you’re responding to a comment or
message. Figure out what the person needs and how you can help. That’s
what Humana does to make healthcare more human. We want you to help us. Learn more here.

Need more ideas and tactics for virtualizing your sales process? Click here.

*Agents are only permitted to use Facebook with pre-approved Humana
content. Agents must complete the required Social Media Training before
using Facebook or the MRC Social Media Tool. Agents must comply with
Humana’s social media policies and all CMS guidelines when using social

**Applies to eligible Reach Rewards activities. See Reach Rewards terms and conditions for details.

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