5 top ways to use the HealthSherpa Agent Export Report

If you use HealthSherpa for your ACA enrollments, you’re familiar with the client table.

addition to this top level information, agents are able to click into
each client’s details and see all application information. 

what if instead of looking up a specific client’s application, you
wanted to search or analyze all clients who shared a similar application

This is where the HealthSherpa Export Report comes into play. 

With the Export Report, you can analyze your book of business clients based on: 

– Follow up document status

– Number of applicants 

– The policy’s status

– New vs renewal applications

– And 146 other fields

In this article, we’ll
cover how agents and agencies can download the Export Report, exciting
new additions to it, and the 4 top ways to start using the Export Report

How to download the Export Report

the Clients and Leads tab, all you need to do is click the ‘Export’
button. If you are an Agency admin, you can download your full book of
business, across all of your downline, from the Agency tab.
Learn more here.

Reading Export Report

Click here to see a legend of all 146 columns that can be at your fingertips through the HealthSherpa Export Report. 

5 top ways to use the Export Report

all of this information at your fingertips, it can be overwhelming to
figure out where to start. Here are some top ways agents and agencies
use the Export Report, which you can start using today!

1. American Rescue Plan (ARP) premium subsidy outreach. This
COVID-19 relief bill included measures that made subsidies more
generous for clients within 100–400% FPL, and it also made premium
subsidies newly available for clients making more than 400% FPL.
Read more about how the law affected the ACA here.

Export Report makes it easy to target your ARP outreach efforts. As you
resubmit applications for increased premium subsidies with your
will populate. To identify clients who have not yet applied an ARP
subsidy, you can filter for applications where this field is blank. See
the “Recent Additions” section below for more detail. 

To help agents and agencies, our team put together a resource for prioritized email outreach including templates, which you can download here.

2. Unemployment income outreach. The
ARP also included a measure that qualifies individuals who receive at
least 1 week of unemployment in 2021 to a free Silver plan. As an agent,
the earliest you can help your clients take advantage of this measure
is July 1st. This would be effective on August 1st.

you initially enrolled your clients in Marketplace coverage, you had
the option to attest that your client would receive unemployment income
in 2021. 

For any applications where you checked that box, has_unemployment_income
will populate with ‘Yes’. You will be able to filter your Export Report
on this column to identify a list of clients to reach out to about
their coverage options. 

important to note that you likely have other clients who qualify for
these free Silver plans. To make sure you don’t miss any clients, you
should also do outreach to your remaining clients. Later in June,
HealthSherpa will provide resources to help with this outreach. 

3. Data Matching Issue (DMI) follow up. In
some cases, agents need to upload additional documents to resolve a DMI
post-enrollment. It’s important to resolve DMI’s when they occur in
order for your client to keep their subsidy.

The Export Report includes lots of information on DMI’s, but the most important field for agents is DMI_outstanding_count. By filtering on this field and using last_ede_sync,
you can see which applications need attention, and whether you need a
refreshed sync with the Marketplace to update the status. 

the current SEP ends on August 15th, it will also be important to check
for outstanding SEP verification issue (SVI) document requests in

4. Confirm you are the AOR for your Book of Business. Use NPN_reason to see whether the NPN on the application is yours or the ‘Other Party’s’.

these instances, you will want to reach out to the client and confirm
whether they worked with a different Agent. If you should still be the
agent for the client, either resubmit the application through
HealthSherpa or do a 3 way call to the Marketplace.

5. Track progress on members-based bonuses or commissions. If you’re eligible for a carrier bonus or commission that’s based on members enrolled, use applicant_count to
add up the total number of members you have enrolled for a particular
carrier. You can search for a specific carrier by filtering on issuer.

Recent additions to the Export Report

In the Export Report legend, you can see where we’ve made these 3 recent additions: 

1. American Rescue Plan (ARP) related fields at the very end of the report. You can read more here about how this law expands premium subsidy eligibility and amount. They include: 

– Last_submission_date:
Allows you to see which clients have updated their eligibility since
4/1. If it’s blank, that means the application has not been resubmitted
through HealthSherpa for the ARP subsidy. 

– FPL_ratio: Exact ratio for the federal poverty level (FPL).

– ARP_subsidy: The estimated new subsidy under the ARP.

– ARP_subsidy_change: The estimated change from the current subsidy.

– Bronze_to_free_silver: Indicates whether the client is eligible for a free silver plan because they are within 100—150% FPL. 

– Has_unemployment_income: Identifies applications that included unemployment income as part of the last submission.

2. EDE sync timestamp
(column ER). This field shows you how ‘fresh’ each application’s
statuses are in HealthSherpa. To pull more recent statuses, you will
need to hit the refresh buttons from the client’s table. 

3. More details about an application’s NPN. In the past, the npn_reason
field only showed whether the Agent of Record (AOR) was you,
HealthSherpa (in the case of a referral), or ‘Other’. Now, you will also be able to see whether there is ‘No AOR’, or if the NPN is ‘Other Party’s’. 

Start using your Export Report today

When it comes to managing your ACA business, the
HealthSherpa Agent Export Report is a game changing feature. Once you start, expect to use it
Take the first step and download your Export Report today!

Figure 1: A snapshot of the information easily available through the client table

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