Your health insurance cost could be on the rise. Projections of “double-digit spikes” are said to begin early 2023 for over 13 millions Americans. Low and middle income Americans are at risk of losing health insurance due to the cost rising to hundreds of dollars per person if the extended subsidies end at the end of the year.
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) increased the ACA (Affordable Care Act) subsidies in 2021 and 2022. The enhanced subsidies were said to lead towards over 4 million new sign-ups a year. This extension ensured that low-income clients did not have to pay for premiums. The enhancement in subsidies is said to end at the end of 2022 due over $247.9 billion in federal spending if it becomes permanent.
There has been debate for some time over the “economic spending legislation” but the Senate is proposing to keep the extension through 2025. For those who have been concerned about their extension for the enhanced subsidies, we have news for you. The bill proposed by the Senate is a part of a $300 billion package that will help lower drug costs overall as well.
The goal is to ensure Americans can afford healthcare while also reducing the cost in the deficit. A projected decline in other insurance sources such as employer-sponsored insurance will increase the need for over 600,000 Americans. Currently there is a 500,000 decrease for non-group coverage and 200,000 combined increase in those needing CHIP and Medicaid.