HRA Increases Payments in 2023!

Another reason to look forward to January if you are enrolled with D-SNP and C-SNP? 

Starting in January 2023, effective with AEP, you can begin to earn $125 whenever you enroll your Cigna Medicare Customers in any eligible Medicare D-SNP or C-SNP plan. 

You will also need to facilitate an HRA, or health risk assessment, with Cigna’s Value Based Enrollment program. 

These are the following plans eligible for increased $125 HRA payment:

All Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNP)

All Chronic Condition Special Needs Plans (C-SNP)

Cigna True Choice Medicare or PPO, H7849-079, in Illinois counties of Cook, DeKalb, DuPage, Kane, Kankakee, Lake, McHenry, and Will.

In addition to the payments of $125 for HRA enrollments in the above list of eligible plans, an additional $75 will be possible for each HRA you conduct with each Cigna Medicare Advantage customer.

Here are some things to keep in mind: 

These increased payments for D-SNP and C-SNP enrollments begin January 1, 2023. To qualify as a value-based Enrollment HRA facilitator, you need to be the AOR (Agent of Record) who created the original policy. Moreover, you need to complete VBE HRA training using Producers’ University. Finally, you need to qualify as “Ready to Sell” to be able to finish enrollment with your customer.

HRA submission turn around time will also be extended, from 2 days to 10 days. You need to facilitate and submit the HRA using the HRA tool within 10 days of the customer’s initial application sign date. 

These changes starting in January 2023 will mean even more money in your pocket. There will be plenty to look forward to this New Year.


Agility Producer Support
(866) 590-9771
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