How can Agents confirm they have completed Marketplace registration and training?


Here are a few solutions to some frequently asked questions by healthcare insurance agents like yourself. 

Can I confirm that I’ve completed the training?

Yes, you can confirm your completion of the training by checking to see your NPN (National Producer Number).

What is my FFM ID and what do I do if I’ve forgotten it?

Your FFM ID is your Federally Facillitated Marketplace ID you acquire when you first register an account on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Enterprise Portal. If you forgot this ID, you can visit the CMS Enterprise Portal, and proceed to enter your information on the Forgot User ID page. Once you’ve received notice that your information has been properly verified, you can proceed forward with recovery of your user ID. 

How do I access the Marketplace Learning Management System?

To access the Marketplace Learning Management System (MLMS), you first need to visit the CMS Visitor Portal, using your FFM ID and password. If you haven’t already, you will need to set up multi-factor authentication and navigate to the “My Portal” page. Select the tile called “Marketplace Training – Agent Broker”. Then select the MLMS training link. Now, the MLMS profile page should appear and you can enter your professional contact information here. Once you’ve saved that info, you will be taken to the MLMS training page. 

With this information, you can now proceed to access the Marketplace Learning Management System or navigate to recover your FFM ID. If you have any further questions, check out Agility’s ACA resources page


Agility Producer Support
(866) 590-9771
[email protected]
