New Physicians Mutual Medicare Supplement Bonus Great New Year Revenue Enhancer

Agility partner Physicians Mutual Medicare Supplements’ new monthly bonus program is an exciting way to enhance your revenue in 2025.

The information below provides an overview of this program.

#Who is Eligible?

Eligible Medicare agents include the original writing agent and the agent of record on the policy – agents, General Agents, Licensed Only Agents (LOAs) and Single LOA Agencies qualify for bonuses.

#Bonus Requirements

Bonuses are paid on the following Medicare Supplement production:

  • An individual’s Medicare Supplement production only – downline sales do not count.


  • Medicare Supplement sales are net issued.


  • Medicare Supplement business exclusions are High Deductible, Internal Replacements, Guarantee Issues including Birthday and Anniversary Rule, and Underage Sales.


Agents earn a bonus on the prior month’s production after hitting the minimum of 5 eligible Medicare Supplement sales in a month. There’s no limit on the number of sales to earn a bonus, with split application percentages totaled with no rounding.

#Bonus Growth

So, what does the bonus money look like when you hit 5 eligible sales in a month?

  • $200 Bonus for every Underwritten Medicare Supplement policy sold.


  • $150 Bonus for every Innovative Plan G Medicare Supplement policy sold.


  • $50 Bonus for every Open Enrollment Medicare Supplement policy sold.


  • In Indiana and Wisconsin, all plan types pay $50 per sale and Internal Replacements pay $0 per sale.


  • In South Carolina, Innovative Plan G pays $150 per sale and Plans A, F and G pay $50 per sale. High Deductible Plan G and Internal Replacement Plans pay $0 per sale.


Bonuses will be paid the month following the production month on the commission statement and directly deposited into agents’ bank accounts.

If commission is assigned, the bonus is paid to the immediate upline and reported to their 1099.

Physicians Mutual reserves the right to change, cancel or make changes to this program at any time.

#Cross-Selling Opportunities

Agility sees this program as an excellent opportunity to leverage another bonus program discussed on an earlier blog, the Get Fit Incentive from UHOne.

Physicians Mutual Medicare Supplemental plans may not have dental, vision and/ or hearing coverage, so agents can use the DentalWise or DentalWise Max products to fill in these gaps for dental, vision, and/ or hearing coverage for clients.

The DentalWise, DentalWise Max cross-sell opportunity allows agents to access both lucrative bonus programs that benefit their clients and your revenue bottom line!

If you don’t have a contract with Physicians Mutual Medicare Supplement plans, you can contract with them now at the Agility Physicians Mutual Medicare Supplement contracting page.

If you have questions about the Get Fit Incentive or this Physicians Mutual Medicare Supplement bonus, you can contact Agility now at (866) 590-9771 or email [email protected] for answers about these great health insurance partners.

Good luck!
