Molina Healthcare is a great Agility partner that constantly shares valuable intel about its marketplace program for agents. Today’s article is the latest update from Molina about their absolute HOTTEST ACA markets across the country.
Please click here to see the in-depth details for the hottest markets, including provider network, best benefits, and county specific details you can focus on to sell these fantastic products.
- $0 monthly plan premium
- West LA, Imperial, Riverside, San Bernadino, San Diego, Orange County
- $0-$8 monthly plan premiums
- Miami-Dade, Palm Beach, Duval, Osceola, Orange
- $1-$3 monthly plan premiums
- Cook County
- $0-$6 monthly plan premiums
- Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Falls, Bannock, Bingham
- $0-$4 monthly plan premiums
- Jefferson, Fayette, Henderson
- $0-<$1 monthly plan premiums
- Harrison, Hinds, Lee, Rural Counties (Region 6)
New Mexico
- $0 monthly plan premium
- Bernalillo, Doña Ana, San Juan
- $0-$9 monthly plan premiums
- Cuyahoga, Hamilton, Lucas, Mahoning, Muskingum
South Carolina
- $0-$7 monthly plan premiums
- Aiken, Beaufort, Charleston, Dorchester, Richland
- $0-$11 monthly plan premiums
- Collin, Cooke, Dallas, Duval, Ellis, Hidalgo, Jim Hogg, Johnson, Parker, Starr, Webb, Zapata
- The lowest monthly plan premium Gold plan in Provo, Salt Lake City, and Weber
- Lowest monthly plan premium Gold and Silver plans in Washington
- Improved rate position in King, Pierce, and Snohomish
- Lowest cost options include PeaceHealth in Clark and Cowlitz
If you want to take advantage of this great information and don’t have a contract with Molina Healthcare on ACA, then contract now with Molina Healthcare on the Agility ACA contracting page.
If you have a contract with Molina Healthcare and want to know which prospects can enroll in these Molina Healthcare plans right now, contact Agility at (866) 590-9771 or email [email protected] for a free brainstorming strategy session.
Register today for Agility training on ACA, improve your ACA product knowledge, and learn when our next Molina-specific carrier training will happen. Agility can also add you to our free, weekly email list for tips and vital information!