Every insurance agent hears the word they dread, “No thanks.” Maybe it’s a soft “no,” a brush-off, or a firm “I’m not interested.”
Depending on the circumstances, it can be frustrating and difficult to process, but the good news is that a “no” doesn’t always mean “never.” With the right approach, you can turn that “no” into a handshake and “yes.”
Listen First, Sell Later
One of the biggest mistakes insurance agents make is using immediate pushback to respond to a “no.” Instead, take a step back and ask open-ended questions like:
- “Can I ask what’s holding you back?”
- “Is there something specific you’re concerned about?”
Quietly listen to how your clients respond and what they say, hearing their words and listening to what they’re NOT saying. This empowers your prospect to feel heard, especially when you continue the conversation based on what they told you.
People want to feel heard, not pressured, and sometimes, they say “no” because they don’t fully understand the value or just need more time. Taking time to listen and hear their concerns or issues empowers you to address the issue effectively and move the “no” to a “yes” now, or at least a “maybe,” which keeps you in the game.
Use Empathy, Not Just Sales Tactics
Listening generates empathy because insurance agents can:
- Acknowledge prospects’ concerns by saying, “I totally understand. Making decisions about insurance can feel overwhelming.”
- Relate to their situation by saying, “A lot of my clients felt the same way at first, and I completely get it.”
- Finally, offer a solution, not just a sale, addressing the issue by saying, “My job isn’t just to sell you a policy; it’s to help you find the right protection for your needs.”
People who feel like you genuinely care are more likely to reconsider a “no.”
Offering a Soft Alternative
Sometimes, a flat-out “yes” is too big a first step for a prospect to take, so offer a minor step for them to take:
- “How about we schedule a quick follow-up next week? No pressure, just a check-in.”
- “Would it help if I sent you some info so that you can review it on your own when you have the time?”
These offers to meet again in the future provide this prospect with time, space, and more information, keeping the door open. This gesture also allows the prospect additional time to think and perhaps gain a different perspective on your discussion, lessening their concerns.
Tell a Story
Our previous article discussed the power of storytelling in detail, but it just boils down to this: Facts tell, but stories sell.
If a prospect is hesitant, share a quick story about another client in a similar situation benefiting from the policy solutions you’re offering this prospect. You can start by saying, “I totally understand your concern. Just last week, I worked with a family with similar worries, and we found a solution addressing their concerns.”
Stories create the connection that makes the value of insurance feel real, so use them on your hesitant prospects.
Know When to Walk Away (For Now)
Sometimes, the soft alternative approach mentioned earlier will not work, and a “no” stays in place. That’s OK – don’t burn a bridge by leaving things on a good note:
- “No problem at all. If anything changes or you have any questions down the road, I’m always here to help.”
- “I appreciate your time today. I’ll follow up in a few months to check in.”
The respect you show the prospect by doing this goes a long way to maintaining a relationship where “no” turns into a “maybe” or even “yes” later.
“No” is Not the End
Hearing “no” is part of the job, but how an agent handles it determines whether it’s negative or an opening to a longer-term client conversation. You turn more rejections into positive opportunities by listening, showing empathy, offering alternatives, and telling compelling stories.
Agility assists agents in walking prospects away from “no” and towards a “yes” as a client with a comprehensive insurance product line. Contract now on our
- ACA opportunities,
- Medicare opportunities,
- Life and Annuity opportunities,
- Small Group opportunities,
- and Supplemental opportunities
that you can share with prospects to get that “yes.”
Contact Agility at (866) 590-9771 or email [email protected] for a free opportunity session. Agility can also add you to our weekly free email list for more tips and other vital information for insurance professionals to know delivered to your inbox!
And with the right timing, that “no” can become your next big “yes.”