Elevance ACA Silver and Bronze Plan Leaders by ZIP Code

Agility is always on the lookout for the inside scoop that puts more money into agents’ pockets.

Today, we’re VERY happy to share this great information we received from Elevance about their Silver and Bronze ACA plans across the country.

Below is a spreadsheet showing by state and ZIP code where Elevance Silver and Bronze plans are the LEADING $0 premium option or within 1-5% of the leading premium option.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to find a ZIP code:

1. Open and download the spreadsheet.

2. With the sheet open on your screen, place your cursor in column F, which is the ZIP code column.

3. With your cursor in column F, click on the “Find & Select” button on your tool bar – it has a magnifying glass on the top of the button followed by the words.

Screenshot of spreadsheet search

4. When you click on the Find & Select button from the screen above will show where you type in the ZIP code you want to look for in the list. When you type it in, click the “Find Next” button and if your ZIP code is on the list, your cursor goes straight to it, as in the display above.

5. Repeat this process for each ZIP code you want to search for in the list.

The sheet is sorted so each state is listed in alphabetical order with the ZIP codes for each state listed from the lowest number to highest number ZIP code.

This data shows Elevance as a leading ACA plan across the nation that you should have in your product toolkit for ACA. If you don’t already have a contract with this leading plan option, you need to add it today by calling 1-(866) 590-9771 or by emailing [email protected] to assist you.

Elevance leading Silver and Bronze Plans by ZIP tool
