Agility has received information about the 2025 program BCBSMI has for these agents with enrollments effective on January 1, 2025 and effective 90 days from this date.
If you enroll 5-14 new enrollees into a BCBSMI Dental or Vision plan meeting the criteria above, you can earn a $150 per dental contract or $30 per vision contract within the terms and conditions listed on the information document linked to below.
If you enroll 15-29 new enrollees into a BCBSMI Dental or Vision plan meeting the criteria above, you can earn a $175 per dental contract or $40 per vision contract within the terms and conditions listed on the information document linked to below.
If you enroll 30+ new enrollees into a BCBSMI Dental or Vision plan meeting the criteria above, you can earn a $200 per dental contract or $50 per vision contract within the terms and conditions listed on the information document linked to below.
Please read this document thoroughly and reach out to BCBSMI or Agility for any questions you have on the program.
This is a great program to access, so if you still aren’t contracted with BCBSMI, please reach out to Agility now at 1-(866) 590-9771 or email [email protected] to assist you.
Enjoy and take care!