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Understanding Medicare Supplement Enrollment and Pre-Existing Conditions

As we have touched on in previous articles, Medicare Supplement can be the favored choice for some seniors beginning their Medicare journey. Medicare Supplement policies bring comfort to seniors as these policies are designed to fill in the areas left uncovered by original Medicare. Things like deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments are covered by a Medicare […]

Medicare Supplemental is Still a HUGE Selling Opportunity!

As insurance agents, one of the most important products you can offer clients approaching age 65 is Medicare supplemental insurance, also known as Medigap. While original Medicare obviously covers a significant portion of healthcare costs for seniors, your members can still be left exposed to many expenses like deductibles, copayments, and other out-of-pocket costs. That’s […]

4 ways health insurance agents can build a grassroots lead generation program

Grassroots marketing can, and should, be a priority for health insurance agents who want to build a book of business in their local communities. Even the world’s largest search engine, Google, rewards businesses that are local, which should be a strong indicator to agents working to grow their businesses. There are many ways to build […]

How do Agents Verify Income and Immigration Status of their clients?

As an agent, you’ll run into situations where you may need to verify the income and immigration status of your clients. You will need to do so in order to properly enroll these individuals or families in ACA health insurance coverage. Consider this a checklist to go through when starting the enrollment process with new […]

5 Social Media Content Ideas for December

 By: Michelle M. Saavedra   The most wonderful time of the year is here! We can expect to see Christmas decorations just about everywhere. And don’t get me started on the unofficial holiday song that was released back in 1994 (yes, we are talking about Mariah Carey’s single: “All I want for Christmas is you”). […]