Updates to Cigna Broker Portal
Cigna’s Broker Portal received a few updates. New integrations, intuitive navigation, and other capabilities are now at your fingertips. Moreover, multiple Cigna brokers across various business industries can now use an efficient interface for a seamless experience. Thank you, Agility Agents, for your continued patience with the Cigna Broker Portal and for sitting tight while […]
Cigna’s 2023 ACA Commission Schedule
Cigna just announced their 2023 ACA commission schedule! Take a look for yourself below. Medical Insurance Commissions Medical commissions apply to all metal levels and plans sold on or off Marketplace. Sales made during an Open Enrollment or a Special Enrollment Period are eligible. Medical commissions will be paid for up to four […]
Cigna Offers New Incentives
Cigna WINcentives 2022 This year, you’re set up to win with exciting sales opportunities. WINcentives 2022 gives you more ways to earn extra money – each and every month – with no limits. General program rules Visit Agility Insurance Services to learn more information about contracting and more. Agility Producer Support(866) [email protected]
Cigna: Health disparities can impact your clients and their bottom line.
Why should you and your clients be aware of social determinants of health? Social determinants of health (SDoH) are social, economic and environmental conditions that can impact a person’s health. Simply put, certain individuals experience barriers to care because of factors such as race, income, education level, gender identity and more. When people don’t have […]